About the yearbook

"Stargardia. The year-book of Museum of Archaeology and History in Stargard devoted to the past and culture of Pomerania and other Baltic lands", ISSN 1641-7747

The periodical has been published since 2001. Early in its history, in 2002, it received an honourable mention in the Sybilla 2001 Competition for the Museum Event of the Year. Today, it is an academic journal publishing works that address topics not only related to Stargard but also to Pomerania—historically understood as the area of the former Duchy of Pomerania—and other Baltic lands.

The yearbook’s editor-in-chief since its inception has been Marcin Majewski. Editorial responsibilities for volumes VII-XIII were handled by Jolanta Aniszewska. Starting from volume XIV, the actual editorial work has been carried out by Monika Ogiewa-Sejnota, who serves as the editorial secretary. Between 2001 and 2024, members of the editorial board included (in alphabetical order): Jolanta Aniszewska, Andrzej Bierca, Joanna Fijałkowska, Michał Franiak, Małgorzata Gryciuk, Arleta Majewska, Marcin Majewski, Monika Ogiewa-Sejnota, Mirosław Opęchowski, Sławomir Preiss, Karolina Stań, and Iwona Wojciechowska. Starting with volume VIII, the yearbook underwent a redesign, with cover designs created by Mateusz Szeremeta.

Beginning with volume IX, the “Stargardia” Scientific Board was established comprising: Marian Rębkowski (Warszawa) – chairperson, Rainer Atzbach (Aarhus), Felix Biermann (Szczecin), Andrzej Janowski (Szczecin), Paweł Migdalski (Szczecin), Gunnar Möller (Stralsund), Kacper Pencarski (Słupsk), and Stanisław Rosik (Wrocław).

The yearbook is usually divided into several thematic sections, some of which are permanent. These include Articles and Reports on the Substantive Activities of the Museum Archaeology and History. The structure of the yearbook may vary depending on the nature of the submitted texts. It features short articles in the form of announcements, monographs, and analytical works devoted to the relics of the Stargard region, as well as biographical, bibliographical materials, polemics, reviews, and commentaries, are included. Starting with volume VII, short reports on archaeological discoveries and research conducted by the Museum of Archaeology and History began to appear, and in volume VIII, sections were introduced dedicated to describe the latest acquisitions in the Stargard museum collection.

Articles, treatises, and announcements undergo a standardized peer-review process by specialists selected individually based on the topic of the publication. All works in this section of the yearbook are provided with English abstracts, keywords (also in the Polish version), and summaries. The printed version is considered the primary version of the journal.