For Authors

Guidelines for Preparing Texts for Publication in Stargardia

Language of the text:

• the text should be prepared in Polish, English, or German

File formats:

• text Document: .doc or .docx
• illustrations: submitted separately in .jpg, .png, .tiff, or .cdr formats

Text formatting:

• margins: 2.5 cm
• font: Times New Roman
• font size: 12 pt (notes 10 pt)
• line spacing: 1.5

The article should include:

• Author information (first name, last name, email address, ORCID number, institution or location)
• Title
• Abstract
• Keywords
• Summary (in a separate text file)
• Any illustrations (as separate files)
• Captions for any figures and tables (in a separate text file)

Citation and Formatting Guidelines:


• use standardized and codified abbreviations in Dictionary of the Polish Language (e.g., etc., among others, etc.),
• month names are spelled out (e.g., July 15, 1410).


• quotes are written in plain font within quotation marks,
• omissions in quotes are indicated by “[...]”.


• place footnote references before the period ending a sentence or before a comma within a sentence
• use the following format in footnotes: last name – year of publication – page number, e.g.:
  - Marcinkowski 2007, 45.
  - Słowiński 2006, 83, fig. 3:1.
• for three or more authors, use the last name of the first author, followed by "et al.", e.g., Knap et al. 2008.
• for archival materials: institution abbreviation – fonds – signature – page number, e.g.:
  - APS AmS, 1581a, 87.

Final Bibliography:

Guidelines for Creating Bibliography

• place the cited literature at the end of the text under the heading Bibliography
• italicize titles of journals, monographs, and collective works
• series title should not be italicized
• include the full page range of the cited text
• for works by the same author: repeat the last name each time


Bogucki P. 1993. Animal traction and household economies in Neolithic Europe. Antiquity 67 (256), 492–503.
Czerniak L. 1980. Development of societies of the late corded ware culture in Kujawy. Poznań.
Hodder I. (ed.) 1991. Archaeological theory in Europe. The last three decades. London.
Kristiansen K., Larsson T.B. 2005. The Rise of Bronze Age Society. Travels, Transmissions and Transformations. Cambridge.
Kruk J., Milisauskas S. 1983. Absolute chronology of Neolithic settlement in Bronocice, Kielce Province. Archeologia Polski 28 (2), 257–320.
Sawicki J. 2014. Medieval secular badges in Poland in a European context. Wratislavia Antiqua 20. Wrocław.

Articles in collective publications or chapters in books

Iwaniszewski S. 2006. Megalithic burial rites and the Neolithic landscape in the Stryczowice microregion in the Sandomierz-Opatów Uplands. In: J. Libera, K. Tunia (eds.), The Megalithic Idea in the Burial Rites of the Funnel Beaker Culture. Lublin, Kraków, 259–269.
Kulczycka-Leciejewiczowa A. 2006. The culture of corded ware pottery in southern Poland. In: M. Kaczanowska (ed.), The Heritage of the Danube Civilizations: Lesser Poland at the Turn of the Stone and Copper Ages. Archaeological Museum Library in Kraków 1. Kraków, 9–21.
Holesch N. 2014. Stoneware from Wittenberg. Provenance and typology of finds from the garden of the Luther House. In: H. Meller (ed.), Glass, Stoneware, and Lead Letters from Wittenberg. Research Reports of the State Museum for Prehistory Halle 5. Halle an der Salle, 149–266.

Works by the same author

Kwiatkowski K. 2010a. Stettin ware vessels from archaeological research in Stargard. An Introduction to the Research Problem. In: A. Bartczak, M. Witek (eds.), From Idea to Industry. Materials Prepared on the Occasion of the European Heritage Days 2010 in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. Szczecin, 37–43.
Kwiatkowski K. 2010b. A modern latrine on the former plot 32 at Kazimierz Wielki Street in Quarter IX in Stargard. Results of archaeological work. West Pomeranian Conservation News 4, 99–108.
Kwiatkowski K. 2011. Dutch faience plates with biblical motifs from archaeological research in Quarter IX in Stargard. Stargardia 6, 223–250.

Archival Sources

State Archives in Szczecin (APS)
Stargard City Records (AmS)
1581a Stargardsches Haüser-Kataster von 1627 und 1696. Unicat. 1627-1696.
Rękopisy i spuścizny (RiS)
904 Bürgerbuch Magistrat zu Stargard. 1454–1821.

Internet Sources

Tausenfreund H. 2014. Hohlglas aus Westfalen-Lippe. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu archaologischen Funden des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Rozprawa doktorska Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen 2014, (dostęp: 15.07.2023).

Figures and Tables:


• format: .jpg, .png, .tiff, .cdr (scanned at a resolution of at least 300 dpi).
• number figures in order of appearance in the text.
• label illustrations as a figure (fig. 1, 2, 3, etc.).
• refer to figures in the tex, e.g.: fig. 1:1–3.


• format: .doc or .xls.
• number tables in order of appearance in the text, e.g.: tab. 1, tab. 2.

Captions for Figures and Tables

• include captions in a separate text file.
• provide the author of the drawing or photograph (fig. or photo).
• if previously published, cite the source (e.g. after Brutzer 1942, fig. 19).